Betty BBQ – Freiburg’s living attraction!
And Freiburg is unimaginable without Betty.
Who is Betty BBQ?
Regio TV Bodensee also asked this question. The result was a wonderful and informative about the fictional character Betty BBQ. Enjoy watching!
HeldenLändle on Facebook: https://fb.me/heldenlaendle
A production by Regio TV Bodenseefernsehen GmbH + Co. KG, which also owns all the rights. ( https://www.regio-tv.de/regionen/bodensee.html )
Betty BBQ in the SWR talk show “Talk am See mit Gaby Hauptmann”
From May 2019, author and journalist Gaby Hauptmann invites guests to the entertaining SWR Talk in Konstanz on Lake Constance every Saturday evening. You and your guests talk about everything that moved southwest Germany during the week, share their experiences, opinions and special experiences.
In her round of talks on Saturday evening in the first week of June, Gaby Hauptmann again invited interesting guests to Constance: Musician and moderator Stefan Mross, tour guide & Black Forest drag queen Betty BBQ , nun Thérèse, wolf expert Tatjana Schneider and VfB Stuttgart fan Ingeborg Stiegler.
Further information on the composition of this program: https://www.swr.de/swraktuell/baden-wuerttemberg/friedrichshafen/Gaby-Hauptmann-Stefan-Mross-zu-Gast-bei-Talk-am-See,talk-am-see -104.htm
Also available in the ARD media library: https://www.ardmediathek.de/ard/player/Y3JpZDovL3N3ci5kZS9hZXgvbzExMjQ2MTA/
And you can see it in the SWR media library: https://swrmediathek.de/player.htm?show=54d5e570-848d-11e9-88e7-005056a10824
City tours with Betty BBQ?
But yes – and ZDF has even reported on this: hello deutschland from November 9th, 2018
hello TIMEOUT: Freiburg
Baden-Württemberg is Germany’s sunniest federal state. Reason enough for moderator and presenter Andreas Korn to head south in the dreary November. So he looked around in Freiburg im Breisgau. Of course with sunglasses in the luggage – and a visit to “probably the most dazzling city guide in Baden-Württemberg”: Betty BBQ!
To be seen in the ZDF media library: https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/hallo-deutschland/hallo-auszeit-freiburg-teil-1-100.html
Betty BBQ and SC Freiburg!
On October 6th, 2021, Freiburger Verkehrs AG (VAG) released the new song video for the Freiburg sports club for the current fan song “SC Freiburg vor!”, which has existed since 2008 and is currently current. the group Fisherman’s Fall, in which the well-known Black Forest drag queen Betty BBQ from Freiburg im Breisgau was seen as a sign of a diverse football landscape, as is desired in Freiburg. The video and the song are regularly shown before SC Freiburg’s home games in the Europa Park stadium.
Betty BBQ without a Bollenhut? Hardly conceivable!
The Schwarzälder landmark has crowned the heads of the Black Forest for over 225 years. In the SWR TV report, Betty BBQ, among others, congratulates on this anniversary.
The Bollenhut is the symbol of the Black Forest. Together with ham, cherry cake and a cuckoo clock, it forms a kind of brand quartet for the Black Forest. A round thing. The Bollenhut was first mentioned in writing 225 years ago. “The usual decorations of red and black color are to be sewn on.” This was the ducal instruction in 1797 and because it says “usual” one must assume that the Bollenhut is even older. One thing is certain: the Bollenhut has changed a lot. First they were just small Bollen, then they got bigger and bigger and now a Bollenhut weighs around two kilograms. As a symbol of the Black Forest, it is irreplaceable.
At times the image of the Bollenhut was outdated, but because it is a powerful symbol of home for artists and photographers, it is more present than ever. When Bollen hats meet piercings and tattoos in famous photos, the contrast between the past and the present becomes visible. A straw hat with 11 visible bolls of wool. Although it is rarely worn on the head today, the traditional motif makes the cash registers in souvenir shops ring. The Bollenhut stands for the entire Black Forest – a traditional costume relic that is still lived, maintained and successfully marketed today.
The SWR report can be accessed at: https://www.swr.de/swraktuell/baden-wuerttemberg/suedbaden/bollenhut-uld-225-years-100.html
Can be seen in the SWR media library: https://www.swr.de/swraktuell/baden-wuerttemberg/225-years-bollenhut-100.html
From the broadcast on Wed., March 23, 2022, 6:00 p.m., SWR Aktuell Baden-Württemberg, SWR Fernsehen BW.
Betty BBQ – the development of a unique art character!
The honest interview with Betty BBQ about the beginnings and the development of one of the most famous drag queens in Germany.
We are happy about the contribution of the ” Now Mal Ehrlich – der Kultur Podcast ” on Spotify:
Let’s be honest – the culture podcast: 01 – Betty BBQ: Life in drag
A “look” behind the scenes for the… ears!
How does it actually work behind the scenes? Who does what, how do Betty BBQ and her management understand each other in all their actions and what drives them? How can creativity and professionalism be brought into perfect harmony, what does that have to do with the history and development of the fictional character Betty BBQ and what can (young) entrepreneurs learn from it?
The podcast “Die Innovationskiste” by Gründerschiff UG (limited liability) & CO. also addressed these questions. KG from Konstanz in their series “Expedition Querweg” in episode 05 “Self-realization in the foundation (S02E28)”. Feel free to listen!
On Spotify:
And on the website of Gründerschiff from Constance:

If you don’t know Betty BBQ , you’ve missed a lot. She is, among other things, one of the nine official anniversary ambassadors of the city of Freiburg for the 900+1-year city anniversary 2020/2021 , Ambassador for a colorful and diverse homeland most prominent drag queen in southern Germany , unofficial spritzer queen, Mutti Freiburgs , organizer of city and pub tours, organizer of unforgettable bachelor parties, advertising icon for Black Forest schnapps & more and of course a real party queen . In short: Freiburg’s living attraction! She impresses not only with a big heart and full lips, but also with charisma and wit. Freiburg’s grande dame of show business is not only a constant in the Black Forest metropolis, but also the dazzling little star of every society event.. Miss BBQ proved in the Black Forest camp that she wears her pants even in a dress and is a queen of hearts.
Betty BBQ moderated the first appearances in the region and expanded her offer to include city tours in Freiburg, as interest in the unique character grew. For the last three years there has also been a Christmas City Tour with her for all winter lovers.

The successful entertainer is now in her seventh season . The character Betty BBQ was created more than 10 years ago at the Ball Verqueer, on the Saturday of the carnival. After that, Betty BBQ kept coming back to life in different roles, but only on carnival Saturday . Seven years ago she decided to appear in public more and more often. She made her breakthrough with her participation in the Black Forest Camp in 2014, and her career went uphill from there.
How did Betty become Betty BBQ?
After years of hard work behind the greasy grill of a hot dog stand, Betty was fed up with the dull, lackluster life. She longed for glamour, fashion, high heels and false eyelashes. Instead of turning sausages on the grill, everything should finally revolve around them a little more. So get out of the dirty apron and into the world of extravagant party nights, glamorous charity events, relaxed dinner occasions – and sometimes just show the whole world your colorful homeland. Her numerous appearances in Freiburg and the surrounding area and now all over Germany have already made the drag queen a media darling in this country. It’s only a matter of time before the gazettes all over Germany will report about Betty BBQ… And if there are sausages to grill, Betty is of course there – exceptionally, of course!
Her distinguishing feature is the red Black Forest Bollenhut, here Betty BBQ insists on the traditional meaning of the colored Bollen, since red Bollen hats are actually worn by unmarried women. She lovingly caricatures tourist clichés from the Black Forest and represents her motto ””Home isn’t just black and white””. In order not to defame traditional Black Forest costumes, Betty BBQ always combines her outfits with different costume elements, for example her dirndls are partly reminiscent of classic costume clothing, which she always coordinates with the color scheme of Black Forest costumes.
Any questions about Betty BBQ? We at the Betty BBQ office will be happy to help you – Contact . The overview of frequently asked questions (FAQ) is always helpful.